$$\begin{aligned} ~&\frac{\sin\left(x\right)-x}{x^3}\\ =&\frac{x-\frac{x^3}6+\frac{x^5}{120}+\mathrm O\left(x^7\right)-x}{x^3}\\ =&-\frac 16+\frac{x^2}{120}+\mathrm O\left(x^4\right)\\ \overset{x\rightarrow 0}{=}&-\frac 16\\ &\text{Can I make "=" long?} \end{aligned}$$
另外有没有教材都保留一个余项的,就不会老有人问为啥$sin(x)\sim x$却不能直接代
Mth.atan2 源码
public static double atan2(double d, double e) { double f = e * e + d * d; if (Double.isNaN(f)) { return Double.NaN; } else { boolean bl = d < 0.0; if (bl) { d = -d; } boolean bl2 = e < 0.0; if (bl2) { e = -e; } boolean bl3 = d > e; if (bl3) { double g = e; e = d; d = g; } double g = fastInvSqrt(f); e *= g; d *= g; double h = FRAC_BIAS + d; int i = (int)Double.doubleToRawLongBits(h); double j = ASIN_TAB[i]; double k = COS_TAB[i]; double l = h - FRAC_BIAS; double m = d * k - e * l; double n = (6.0 + m * m) * m * 0.16666666666666666; double o = j + n; if (bl3) { o = Math.PI / 2 - o; } if (bl2) { o = Math.PI - o; } if (bl) { o = -o; } return o; } }
double MthAtan2(double y, double x) { double Len2 = y * y + x * x; // Len² if (Len2 != Len2) { // NaN return Len2; } bool NegY = y < 0.0; if (NegY) { y = -y; } bool NegX = x < 0.0; if (NegX) { x = -x; } bool SwapXY = y > x; if (SwapXY) { double t = y; y = x; x = t; } double InvLen = fastInvSqrt(Len2); x *= InvLen; y *= InvLen; // 加上该值可将精度控制为1/256 const double FRAC_BIAS = 17592186044416.0; double bias_y = FRAC_BIAS + y; // i = y * 256 int i = *(int*)&bias_y; double asinry = ASIN_TAB[i]; double cosasinry = COS_TAB[i]; double rounded_y = bias_y - FRAC_BIAS; double m = y * cosasinry - x * rounded_y; // m + m^3/6 double delta = (6.0 + m * m) * m * (1.0 / 6.0); double ret = asinry + delta; if (SwapXY) { ret = PI / 2 - ret; } if (NegX) { ret = PI - ret; } if (NegY) { ret = - ret; } return ret; }
仅分析[0,45°]角,在$\left(x,y\right)$附近查表找到点$\left(\tilde x,\tilde y\right)$,并计算
$$ m = y \cdot \tilde x - x \cdot \tilde y $$ $$ \sin^{-1} y = \sin^{-1} \tilde y + m + \frac{m^3}6 $$
Any fast solution?
$$\text{Decide if the following equation has solution:}$$ $$A_{m \times n} \cdot B_{n \times k} = X_{m \times k}$$ $$M \preceq A \preceq N, P \preceq B \preceq Q$$ $$\text{Where } F\preceq G \text{ means every element in }F\text{ is }$$ $$\text{smaller than the value on same position of }G$$ $$ X, M, N, P, Q \text{ are known}$$
EDIT@23/02/15 13:27: 用机械结构求解会卡住吗?
我看#34的榜,double做法都是 $$x_i=a_{2i}+ia_{2i+1}\\Z_i=X_iY_i-\frac 14\left(1+w_N^i\right)\left(X_i-\overline{X_{N-i}}\right)\left(Y_i-\overline{Y_{N-i}}\right)$$ 而不是 $$x_i=a_iu^i+a_{i+n}u^{i+n}\\Z_i=X_iY_i$$ 这两个方法,哪个更显然?哪个效率高?(我提交改了输出挂还去了swap过程,但另一种方法也能做)